This 16T 20DP 3/8" Hex Gear is used for the:
- MK3 Swerve Module with the Fast ratio (in conjunction with the 28T-48T double gear).
This Fast ratio also requires a 16T pinion gear on the drive motor.
- MK3 Swerve Module with the Standard gear ratio (in conjunction with the 28T-50T double gear).
This Standard ratio also requires a 14T pinion gear on the drive motor.
- MK4 Swerve Modules with the L4 gear ratio (in conjunction with the 28T-48T double gear).
This L4 ratio also requires a 16T pinion gear on the drive motor.
- MK4/4i Swerve Modules with the L3 gear ratio (in conjunction with the 28T-50T double gear).
This L3 ratio also requires a 14T pinion gear on the drive motor.
- 0.05 pounds
- 4140 Steel
- Black Oxide